Gripping tightly on her bag, she walked in the school hallway gazing at the floor, not having the guts to face anyone. Her glasses slipping down her nose, heart trembling, fingers fiddling with each other and fear embracing her. “Watch out nerd!” one of her bullies shouted and BOOM! She tripped and fell flat on her face. Everyone started cracking up including the bully and her side kicks. Trying to save herself from becoming the talk of the day, the poor girl turned away and was about to leave but luck wasn’t at her side. “Does anyone know why the hallway is so stinky? Well, it’s because Sara is here!” said the bully. No one dared to utter a single work as it offended the ruffian. “People, people in the hall. Who is the ugliest of all?” the bully questioned, pretending to be perplexed. “If anyone is ugly here, then it’s YOU!” the poor girl finally mustered the courage to shout. Everyone’s eyes popped out of their socket, and they turned to meet the owner of the voice. The bully’s eyes darkened as he struck the girl in her face causing her to stumble and fall. She destroyed her books, bag, and notes, while the girl kept begging her for mercy. Satisfaction flowed through the bully’s nerves after completely torturing the girl. “If you want to see daylight tomorrow then you better not have the audacity to show that ugly face of yours!” Sobbing badly, she got up, dusting the muck off her dress, and ran to the washroom. Cleaning herself up, she left the bathroom heading towards her class.
This is the type of torture that a few kids go through every day. Bullying can have a huge impact on one’s metal as well as physical health. Kids like Sara have to shut their mouths because of the fear they have developed inside them. Owning the school doesn’t mean that you own the people studying in that school too. Bullying also causes the child’s confidence to flush away, so in that case teaching self-defense is more than important. Bullying others isn’t satisfaction but serious torture and every school must take a serious action about it. As Dharmann once narrated: ‘You should always treat others the way you like to be treated.’
~Written by: Raima Rehan 8B
Raima Rehan
Future World School & College Lahore