Home study or school – Closed walls or running corridors!
Studying from home seems very fascinating! No restrictions on time. Study when you feel like it, lying, squatting or even walking around! No discipline or being yelled at by the teacher for disturbing the class. The comforts of the home environment, has no constraints and knowing that you are not restricted to your class seat seems very enticing at first. However, then the monotony of an uncoordinated routine sets in. Staying in quarantine and finding something productive to do or even home study is strenuous. Not being able to meet your friends, not being able to visit public places and maintaining social distancing has made life dark.
In my opinion, studying in a closed school environment makes one more serious towards their education. Of course, socializing with your friends during the lunch breaks and having a little chit chat in those five minute breaks after every forty-five minutes teaching lessons, is all part of being at school and definitely better than sitting within closed walls and trying your level best to study.
Interaction amongst students
Moreover, the argument continues, as through homeschooling, children will be able to focus more towards their studies as they will not be facing bullying, teasing or any kind of distraction, in or out of the classroom. Every student faces this dilemma. Getting involved in class participation activities such as questions and answers about material taught can boost one’s confidence and surely make one understand thoroughly with the help of the ideas and views of the other classmates. In addition it teaches you tolerance and the grace to accept another individual’s point of view.
Home Study Home Study
Although home study has its own advantages, as parents have the freedom of teaching their child, values and beliefs that may not be taught or fall within the purview of the school curriculum, whether public or private educational institutions. Michael Farris, a strong homeschooling advocate, quoted an educational psychologist saying; “kids get their values from whomever they spend a majority of their time with”. However, school study enables a child to learn and prosper in this highly competitive growing world. Getting taught by the top-notch faculty in the school enables a student, like myself, who is focused, to achieve a career.

Future World School Lahore