I Have Never Been More Frightened Than When..
Once, I went to America all by myself and stayed at my friend’s home and I never believe that it’s real. The day I arrive there we went out to have lunch and when we arrive back home we all freaked out. At the entrance, there was a strange and creepy doll sitting like she’s guarding the entrance. We all just try to ignore her and walked past her, but the thing was as we sat on the dining table, we saw that doll sitting on the kitchen slab, staring at my friend Olivia. She shouted and went straight to her room. I think that they all are doing a prank on me but when I asked them they say they promise they don’t know what’s going on. I went to open the front door but it was locked. I try to open the backyard door but it was also locked. This shows that all the doors which give access to other people were locked. I try to contact my family but the internet connection was so poor.in this duration, we all didn’t notice that Olivia came out of her room, holding that creepy doll. I was the one who notice her first and I just freaked out. She was wearing black color of clothes and there were small cracks on her face.it looks like that she was turning into a doll. She kept saying ‘come play with us ‘and try to touch me. I was frightened like I was never being before. I started to recite the duas which I know. Then suddenly, Olivia and that doll disappear. I try to open the front door again and it opens. Then we went into Olivia’s room she was on her bed, sleeping. We woke her up and she says she didn’t remember a single thing that happened. But at that time I thank Allah that he saved us from danger. I was never being frightened like that before. I didn’t wish to have an experience like that again.
Grade7 – Galileo
Future World Schools
Bahria Town