Early Years Graduation Ceremony – Little Graduates Embarking on the New Journey
Whether it’s the success of young or little learners, TME has always celebrated and recognized each and every learner`s achievement in a unique and distinct way. As the month of March 2022 commenced, the season of celebrations and festivities began across all The Millennium Education and Future World Schools. It’s the time of the year when the achievements of the little millennials of Advanced Year are recognized and celebrated as after 3 years of the journey they finally head to the next phase, a more advanced level of their academic career i.e., Grade 1.
Every year the graduation ceremony used to be organized physically but since the arrival of the pandemic, ceremonies were being held virtually. After around three years, this time the ceremony was again held physically where the little learners of Junior Year participated to present different outstanding performances to congratulate their seniors on their achievement. They wore different colorful props and attires from being RIO bird to colorful rainbows and different creatures for exhibiting SDGs depicting life on land, below water, etc., depending upon the theme their respective campus had selected. Learners of different campuses presented the national anthem wearing uniquely designed props of monuments of Faisal Mosque, Minar -e- Pakistan, Mausoleum of Quaid -e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Baab – e – Khyber.
Every ceremony began with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the national anthem of Pakistan and a video presentation of the momentous journey of the advanced year graduates. In some of the graduation ceremonies, learners also paid tribute to our poet of East Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal with a beautiful performance on “Lab Pe Ati hai Dua”.

Not just that, the school entrance, corridors, and the auditorium was also decorated beautifully with balloons, graduation caps crafted with paper, and fresh flowers to warmly welcome the parents of the graduating class and create an ambiance of celebration.
After the performances by the junior year learners, certificates were awarded to the graduates by the chief guest and principal of their respective schools. Parents of every child were invited on the stage for an individual as well as group photographs so these precious moments can be captured which our parents, students, and teachers will cherish always.
The ceremonies ended with an amazing performance by our advanced year learners on the “Thank You” songs for expressing gratitude to their school, teachers, and parents for all they have been doing for them. As the little gratitude expressed gratitude, the parents’ hearts filled with emotions and eyes with tears of happiness.
Last but not least, teachers also thoroughly enjoyed the ceremonies as what else can be more satisfactory for teachers than witnessing their little learners growing up and moving ahead in their future from being those nervous yet curious little souls, who worked independently in their first classrooms of Advanced years, to becoming these confident, yet more curious little souls who are ready to move to Grade 1.
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