My School

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A school is a place where children are educated, their small minds are prepared for great tasks of the future. The good schools are assets of the nation, I am blessed to study in one the great school of my country.

My school’s name is Roots Millennium Schools, Marble Arch Campus – Mardan. My school has a big and beautiful building. It is so nicely decorated by our teachers. Our school furniture is of good quality and it is so elegant. I feel relaxed when I sit on it and work.

All classrooms are wide and airy and very beautifully decorated. I don’t get bored throughout the day in my class. We love our teachers because they are so loving and kind. They not only teach us but they also prepare us for morning assembly and for different competitions like speech, quiz and sports etc. They teach us good manners, ethics and cleanliness.

I love my school because it provides us all the basic facilities like a library, a big activity room, a science lab, a well-equipped computer lab and it has two big playgrounds, where we play and enjoy at break time.

Our school is a perfect example of how different people can live together, work together, and learn together. I love my school so much.

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