Oath Taking Ceremony – Future World School Gulberg Greens Islamabad
It is rightly said that
“Leaders are not born they are made!”

Future World School-Gulberg Greens Oath Taking Ceremony was held on Friday, 1st October 2021. 52 students were awarded the sashes. Major General Dr. Raza Muhammad (Ph.D & Former Ambassador of Mauritius, Madagascar & Seychelles) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest of the ceremony.
Parents were invited to witness this auspicious occasion. They were escatic to see their children being bestowed with their new titles and sashes.
Oath Taking Ceremony for the Millennium Governance System marks a milestone for the donning of responsibility for our young newly elected and selected student council members.
On this day, they all pledge to dispense their duties to the best of their abilities and abide by the rules and regulations of the school.