Millennials Paying Tribute to National Poet
Iqbal Day was the literary society’s first event this academic year to organize and it was a very enlightening and enjoyable experience. Because of this event, we were able to showcase our respective skill-sets and display our responsibility, dedication, and hard work through it all.
The day itself holds great significance as Allama Iqbal continues to hold the hearts of all our youth through his poetry especially those who take the Urdu language therefore we had to ensure that all of our tasks leading up to the event were carried out in time and successfully in order to please our audience and respected guests but also to make it a memorable event all of us could look back on.
Our first task was to gather students from notably IGCSE and Matric classes, so we went down during our breaks to announce the day, answer any queries and ask them to contact their Urdu teacher or coordinator if they wanted to participate in giving speeches in English/Urdu about Iqbal’s biography or reciting some of his poetry in Urdu to honor him.
Tribute to National Poet Allama Iqbal
It was heartwarming to see the number of students that volunteered to be part of the event and how eager they were to participate in a special day centered around the world-renown poet Allama Iqbal. Next, we got materials for the props the Urdu teacher had decided on according to the poetry to be recited from the storage room in the school and found an art student that could provide us with an outline, which was later cut out ready for display.
After that, we contacted the Media club and collaborated with them in designing a poster for the event including all necessary details and an appealing layout. The final task right before the event was checking out how all of these elements came together in practice rehearsals.
Although due to some personal issues we had missed a rehearsal; we did, later on, attend the final one doing our best to help the participants out as much as we could: from viewing their delivery as a member of the audience and critiquing them to helping them out with their positioning on stage.
When the day came for everyone to exhibit their efforts after much practice the literary society was to give a small unexpected speech based on the event nevertheless, we did so approvingly.
Throughout the event, we made sure everyone was in their seats, following SOPs, and came up on stage timely as well as giving participants support behind the scenes whenever we could so they would do their best on stage and not give up on their nerves. In the end, our collective efforts were rewarded and acknowledged which gave us the energy to strive to do better or our next activity.

President – Literary Society
A Level
Millennium College I-9/3 Islamabad