Book Parade – Nurturing Book Lovers and Readers
On Tuesday, 21st December 2021, The Millennium Education Mayfair Campus organized a book parade to instill the love of books and reading in learners. Books are a treasure of knowledge and a way to explore the world of literature, fantasies, imaginations and reality.
Across The Millennium Education Campuses, a great emphasis is put on fostering reading habits among our learners. Books hold the power to transform lives and alter the way we think. The Millennium Education Libraries aim to promote the development of independent learning skills and foster the love and enjoyment of reading.
Moving ahead with the aim to nurture the love of reading, the TME libraries activity “Book Parade” was organized in TME campuses nationwide. Learners dressed up in different costumes to represent their favorite comic and book character. While holding their favorite book and dressed up as their favorite character, learners did a book parade.
What else can serve as a better platform than a book parades to inculcate the love of reading, foster confidence and build knowledge all together in learners? Celebrations of books in this way present us all, learners and teachers with the opportunity to live characters that exist within the world of book